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Agarwood "A warm and soothing fragrance.

A well-known fragrance note that is very popular right now is agarwood. Now this may not seem familiar to you but this type of wood is also called old (pronounced "oet"), ood, eagle wood or oudh. Eagle wood is a natural product and comes from the Aquilaria Agallocha tree. In healthy condition, the core of this tree has a light color and is odorless. However, it is a fungus called "ascomecytes" that causes this tree to produce a dark resin (oleoresin) that eventually encases the wood.

Even though agar sounds new to many people, however, this is a fragrance product that has been used for decades is various cultures for certain rituals. Considering this tree originated in Southeast Asia, it is also here where agar is often described in history. It was often used as incense and eventually as part of perfumes. It was also used in medicines. In ancient China, it was used to promote blood and lymph circulation and remove bad Chi.

The resinous wood of the Aquilaria tree is praised in many cultures for its unique fragrance. It is used for incense and perfume. Agarwood is a very expensive wood because it is rare


Agarwood Has a warm and soothing fragrance. It is very unique and very expensive. Therefore, it is among the top 5 most expensive essential oils. It is also possible to buy the wood yourself. Agar is available in different grades. The most well-known are the Float or Sink grade. Float means that this wood would float when you put it in water. This is because of the oils this wood contains. However, the Sink grade is the most expensive grade. This wood sinks to the bottom because it contains heavy essential oils. This oil is extracted by steam distillation.

Agar is unmissable in today's perfume world. Many perfume houses have now released their "ode" to this wonderfully fragrant oil by creating a perfume in which they clearly mention "oud" in the name of the perfume. Also within our TapParfum range we have a number of perfumes in which we let agar (oud) play the leading role. Some of these perfumes are.

LE145 : This is a classic men's perfume that contains fresh notes of bergamot in addition to overly warm notes of agarwood.

TN008 : This unisex perfume is distinctly woody. The fragrance notes that emerge in it are, in addition to agar, rosewood and sandalwood.

TN020 : Again, a unisex perfume. This perfume gives a fresh green approach to agar. The incense provides warmth and the cannabis and green notes provide the fresh hue.


Agarwood Interests

✓ Countries where the Aquilaria tree is found are Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, Laos, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Cambodia, China and Myanmar.
✓ The fragrant agar has been used as incense in traditional sacred celebrations by Buddhists, Hindus and Muslims for more than two thousand years.
✓ Biblical books such as Numbers and Psalms already describe the use of agarwood in perfumes.
✓ A liter of agarwood oil cost an average of $ 12,000 in 2007.
Agarwood is becoming increasingly rare. As of July 1, 1975, agarwood is on the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species list (CITES) listed for Protection of Endangered Species[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row].